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A new cost function algorithm for adaptive-passive vibration and acoustic resonators

A new cost function algorithm for adaptive-passive vibration and acoustic resonators

Carl Q. Howard (2011)

Proceedings of Acoustics 2011, Gold Coast, Australia, 2-4 November, Paper 62


Adaptive-passive vibration and acoustic control systems can provide significant attenuation without requiring significant power compared to an active control system. The control system includes an algorithm to evaluate a cost function to be minimised, which is typically a time-averaged multiplication of the vibration or noise on the resonator and at a point in the system where the disturbance is to be minimised. This conventional algorithm of cost-function evaluation is suitable for simple systems. A new cost-function evaluation algorithm is proposed based on the sliding-Goertzel algorithm, that is tolerant of multiple harmonics and high background broadband noise. The algorithm was demonstrated on an experimental rig of an adaptive tuned vibration neutraliser and a two-stage vibration isolation system.

Please reference the journal publication instead of this conference publication, which has the title:
Carl Q. Howard (2012), "A Sliding Goertzel Algorithm for Adaptive Passive Neutralizers", Journal of Sound and Vibration

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