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A nonlinear active noise control algorithm for virtual microphones controlling chaotic noise

A nonlinear active noise control algorithm for virtual microphones controlling chaotic noise

Debi Prasad Das, Danielle J. Moreau, Ben S. Cazzolato (2012)

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132 (2), p779-788
DOI: 10.1121/1.4731227


In active noise control (ANC) systems, virtual microphones provide a means of projecting the zone of quiet away from the physical microphone to a remote location. To date, linear ANC algorithms, such as the filtered-x least mean square (FXLMS) algorithm, have been used with virtual sensing techniques. In this paper, a nonlinear ANC algorithm is developed for a virtual microphone by integrating the remote microphone technique with the filtered-s least mean square (FSLMS) algorithm. The proposed algorithm is evaluated experimentally in the cancellation of chaotic noise in a one-dimensional duct. The secondary paths evaluated experimentally exhibit non-minimum phase response and hence poor performance is obtained with the conventional FXLMS algorithm compared to the proposed FSLMS based algorithm. This is because the latter is capable of predicting the chaotic signal found in many physical processes responsible for noise. In addition, the proposed algorithm is shown to outperform the FXLMS based remote microphone technique under the causality constraint (when the propagation delay of the secondary path is greater than the primary path). A number of experimental results are presented in this paper to compare the performance of the FSLMS algorithm based virtual ANC algorithm with the FXLMS based virtual ANC algorithm.

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